Thursday, May 4, 2023

 Other Rules Expansions and Considerations

Most of this comprises of a few simple rule omissions or clarifications I think I found throughout the rules that I felt could be easily addressed in a line or two.  The final part is bringing forward and obscure rule for shotguns going back to Dueltrack that I would like to present as a good a valid option to represent what a shotgun can do at a short distance.  If anyone knows anywhere else there is a rule or a clarification in an ADQ&A or something that relates to shotguns at point blank range, please let me know.

Overall, let me know what you think.  Would any of these ideas make it to your games?


Other Rules Expansions

In the standard rules, it states that a hand weapon, used in its normal fashion (shooting in most cases) and targeting a stationary vehicle at point blank range, automatically hits for 1 point of vehicular damage even if the weapon itself only damage tires or pedestrians and not vehicular components.  I think this can logically be expanded that even if the vehicle is moving and you are within point blank range, you can still deliver a point of vehicular damage but a to hit roll with all relevant modifiers is required.

I believe not allowing hollow-point ammunition for the Machine Pistol and the Derringer is a simple error of omission.  I would allow it for both weapons.

The standard Telescopic Site at $150 should not be military restricted / illegal.  Any hunter may have this on their rifle.  The High-Res version or the vehicular one, might be restricted in the arena or in certain areas, but I don't see why they have to be illegal and military access only.

Shotguns at Point Blank range

In the Chassis & Crossbow section of Dueltrack, there is a small note on the Weapons List for Shotgun. “If you are at point-blank range and hit, roll one die; on a 6, you do double damage.”  I have not seen this particular rule anywhere else.  I have also never seen it countered anywhere either.  I would keep this rule for shotguns.  In my opinion, shotguns in Car Wars are very lacking when compared to rifles and other weapons, a scope and a folding stock are about it for options.  When shotguns are so much more versatile and can be devastating at short range.  I would say also that since this is a damage determining roll, the 6 would remove 1pt of armor.

Trying to work out the PB potential double damage rule coupled with the standard rule of doing a point of vehicular damage at point blank, I came up with these numbers:

            Single Barrel Shotgun Blast

        Normal PB – 2/1 Buckshot/Birdshot both deal 1pt Vehicular damage

        PB roll missed - 2/1 Buckshot/Birdshot both deal 1pt Vehicular damage

        PB roll made – 4/2 Buckshot/Birdshot both deal 2pt Vehicular damage – removing 1pt Metal

The double-barreled shotgun gets more interesting when applying the rule

            Double-barreled Shotgun Blast

        Normal PB – 4/2 Buckshot/Birdshot both deal 1pt Vehicular damage (the double blast gets one roll and is treated as 1 shot.

        PB roll missed – 4/2 Buckshot/Birdshot both deal 1pt Vehicular damage

        PB roll made – 8/4 Buckshot/Birdshot both deal 2pt vehicular damage – removing 1pt Metal

Note that the PB double damage rule for shotguns does not apply to shotguns firing slugs.  Slugs turn the shotgun into s heavy bullet, low velocity, shot range, smooth bore musket.  It hits hard, but does not have the blast that a shotgun would have.  Slugs do a simple 3/1 damage per barrel and the double barrel is treated as 2 separate 3/1 shots when assessing penetration.  At point blank range, slugs may roll the 1d6 to see if a point of metal is removed on a 6.  Double barrels are treated as single shot and get a single roll.  Penetration at point blank range is something I am still working though my thoughts on. 

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